Want A Natural Health Solution? Try Chiropractic.

by | Jan 18, 2021

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Want A Natural Health Solution? Try Chiropractic. 

Chiropractic is a form of natural health care.

If you’ve been a patient at HealthWorks for any amount of time, you’ve probably heard the story about how I became a chiropractor with my son Taylor and ear infections (If you haven’t, check out the story here). Well, I’d like to share with you another aspect of that story which was a quote that I read early on in my research into chiropractic.

The chiropractic adjustment helps your nerves to work better.

That is from a man named BJ Palmer who is the son of DD Palmer who brought chiropractic to the US and is the father of what we moderately know as chiropractic. BJ Palmer has a lot of great quotes and this one’s really long. I’m just going to read you a couple of excerpts from it:  “We chiropractors work with the subtle substance of the soul. We release the prisoned impulse, the tiny rivulet of force that emanates from the mind and flows over the nerves to the cell and serves them into life.” What that means in today’s terms is that chiropractors help to release nerve impulses. When we’re adjusting you, we’re looking for areas where the nerve is compromised and not sending the correct information from the brain to the body. When we make an adjustment, what it does is releases the pressure preventing proper function, bringing the nerve impulse back so that your body can work correctly. In BJ’s terms, “It stirs the cells to life.”

Chiropractic restores life.

Then toward the end of this very very long quote, it says, “Have you more faith in a knife or a spoonful of medicine than in the innate power that animates the eternal living world?” Well, when I read that, I thought, of course, I don’t. I have a personal belief that each and every person is created to live in this world for a reason and a purpose. One of the things that I love about being a chiropractor is that we can help people to fulfill that their own mission in life, by making sure that their body, the flesh and blood that walks them around in the world, is functioning properly. It’s really hard to fulfill your purpose in the world if you’re trapped inside of a body that is not working or pain that constantly just drives your mind back towards yourself again and again. But with chiropractic we so often see people get better, pain go away, their body functions better, and then they can in turn go forward in the world and do the things that they’re called to do. That’s just one of the many blessings and things that I love about being a chiropractor.

HealthWorks: A Family Wellness Center is a chiropractic and wellness center located in Plano, Texas. Our chiropractors, Dr. Christy Flick and Dr. Jennifer Taylor have been helping patients function better since starting private practice in 2005. For information about this article or other chiropractic questions, please contact our office at 972-612-1800, visit our website at https://atlaschiropracticwaco.com/, or stop by our office at 2317 Coit Rd., Ste B, Plano, TX 75075.