Tips from Our Doctors to Stay Healthy in a Modern World

Ear Infections Made Me a Chiropractor

Ear Infections Made Me a Chiropractor

Chronic Ear Infections and Antibiotics Weren't Helping In the summer of 1997, I had my first son Taylor and when Taylor was born, he was perfection. He had, you know, chubby little hands, he had the blondest hair, the bluest eyes, and was just such a sweet little...

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Erchonia Cold Laser

When the body has an injury, the cells are damaged and fail to function within normally.   The Erchonia cold laser uses energy to penetrate deeply into the skin and works by restoring normal cellular function. The laser uses a non-heat producing light laser, which...

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Whole Body Vibration

Not all vibe platforms are created equal.  Results here refer to 30Hz.  For this reason, variable speed machines are not recommended. ​ Whole Body Vibration (WBV) technology is a key tool for recovery and wellness.  It increases flexibility and range of motion while...

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Pediatrics & Pregnancy

At HealthWorks, we are a family-focused wellness practice. There is nothing more important than caring for the next generation. Dr. Flick and Dr. Taylor have undergone specialized training for pregnancy and pediatric care- and they even designed their office to be...

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The Snowball Effect on Health How many of you out there have low back pain that comes and goes, a headache that shows up every now and again, or that nagging neck pain that you can take an aspirin or something like that and it goes away? - Yeah. - We call those...

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