Tips from Our Doctors to Stay Healthy in a Modern World

Should You Get Your Baby Adjusted?

Should You Get Your Baby Adjusted?

  Do chiropractic adjustments help babies? We always think about how tough birth is for a mom, but it's equally tough for a baby. Studies show that over 85% of newborns acquire their first misalignment at birth. We always recommend that babies get at least, one...

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How Do You Release Hamstring Fascia?

How Do You Release Hamstring Fascia?

How do you unlock your hamstring? There are several techniques to help release the top of the hamstring. The hamstring comes up and attaches right underneath your glute on your tailbone. This area can get very tight, especially when we are doing too much sitting. That...

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How Do You Release A Tight Glute Max?

How Do You Release A Tight Glute Max?

What causes tight gluteus maximus? The glutes are a very tender muscle and you're going to find plenty of sore spots in that muscle group. You can use a large massage ball or even a softball to help release that muscle. The glutes are also a very strong muscle and do...

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How Do You Release TFL Tightness?

How Do You Release TFL Tightness?

What causes a tight TFL? The TFL in your IT band will get particularly tight or painful if you're doing a lot of sitting or if your low back is compromised. It gets tight because it tries to do the work of all the other muscles around it causing it to become sore and...

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Thrive New Patient Workshop

Thrive New Patient Workshop

What are exercises to do at home? This is the wall exercise. Find a wall, stand with your back up against it and make sure all of your major joints are touching the wall. With your feet and hips against the wall place your shoulders and head against the wall as well....

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How Do You Release Tight Adductors?

How Do You Release Tight Adductors?

What happens when your adductors are tight? Your adductors are the muscles on the inside of your leg that bring your leg in and they can get particularly tight and create issue in the dynamic of how you walk. This can also affect how your pelvis moves and create some...

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