Tips from Our Doctors to Stay Healthy in a Modern World

How Do You Release The Psoas Muscle?

How Do You Release The Psoas Muscle?

What are the symptoms of a tight psoas muscle? Many of you have a tight psoas that has been identified in the office may even have an exercise in your exercise booklet that tells you how to stretch to one side or the other. If you are not sure you're being effective...

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How To Fix Shoulder Pain At Home

How To Fix Shoulder Pain At Home

Why does my shoulder hurt when I lift my arm? We have a lot of patients that complain about shoulder pain.  There are adjustments that we do in the office to help with this pain, but there are also at home remedies that can help. The reason that you would get shoulder...

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Can You Correct Head Forward Posture?

Can You Correct Head Forward Posture?

Can you correct years of bad posture? If you have chronically tight shoulders and strain along the back of your neck, you likely have head forward posture, or upper crossed syndrome. So what is head forward posture or upper cross syndrome?  Head forward posture is...

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Can Chiropractors Help With Migraines?

Can Chiropractors Help With Migraines?

Can spinal misalignment cause migraines? Chiropractic has a long-standing history of being able to help with migraines, but what does the research say? We're going through a paper today that talks about how upper cervical chiropractic specifically helps with migraine...

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Can Chiropractic Help With Tension Headaches?

Why Does Chiropractic Help Migraines?

Migraines Facts Migraine is the second most common type of headache, affecting both children and adults. Women are three times more likely to suffer from a migraine. Migraines also run in families. They have a mild onset and then gradually get worse. Symptoms often...

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