Why Camille Chose Chiropractic Care for Her and Her Family

by | Jun 10, 2021

Video Thumbnail Camilles Testimony

Are chiropractic adjustments worth it?

Camille has three kids that are currently ten, eight and seven. She and her kids started coming here eight years ago when her middle child was a baby. Camille shared with us why she comes to HealthWorks and the difference it has made in their lives.

Camille comes to HealthWorks because of the benefit of chiropractic and everything that happens here is astounding:  “When you are searching for ways to help your kid when you’re faced with ear pain, body pain, and everything else that could be happening and you find there’s solutions for that pain that gets to the root cause of the pain instead of blanketing it with some sort of drug, it’s a remarkable thing to watch. With ear infections you can get an ear adjustment and it alleviates the pain immediately and it’s dramatic to watch. It’s not two weeks later after a slew of antibiotics, it’s immediate.”

Can a chiropractor help with behavior?

Camille also learned about the atlas (C1) and why it needs to be in place.  When your atlas is not in position, the whole circuitry of your body is turned off. It’s likened to a circuit being out of place, and once it’s put back into alignment the circuitry board goes back on. The lights turn back on, all of the organs start functioning. Your kid is a completely different person after an atlas adjustment. Camille call’s it an attitude adjustment as well. She says if your kid is way out of sorts: just crying, miserable, complaining to you about everything, get them an attitude adjustment with the atlas adjustment. She says she actually did that mid day at school one time. Her kid’s teacher called and said, “Your kid is just crazy and needing something, and I don’t know what to do.” Camille brought him here and his atlas needed adjusting. The minute it was put back in alignment, he was a new person. Camille brought him back to school and the teacher actually asked, “What did you do? I need to understand what just happened because this is a totally new kid.”

Camille talks about another instance in which her oldest son hurt himself shooting in hockey and had a crazy pain in his right side. She brought him here and it was ascertained that his psoas muscle was tweaked and shortened. When his hands were put above his head, his hands didn’t line up. After the stretch was done, his hands were back to normal and he didn’t have any pain. Camille also talks about how cold laser is one of the things to benefit from and that if you don’t know anything about it, then ask. It can help with skin infections which she has seen her kids benefit from. Cold laser can also help with an immune system boost.

To watch Camille’s full testimonial, click here.