Why Evan Chose Chiropractic To Help His Migraines

by | May 13, 2021

mqCan going to a chiropractor help with migraines?

Evan has a wonderful chiropractic story to share with you all. He has been with us for about four to five months now and he shared with us a little bit about his chiropractic journey. Evan was suffering from migraine headaches. They were not constant, but they were random and he couldn’t figure out what was causing them. He would wake up in the middle of the night sometimes with excruciating pains at the base of his skull and he couldn’t figure out what was causing the pain.

Evan tried working out to strengthen the muscles. He tried taking medicine and even sleeping on certain sides just to see if that would help but they just kept happening. Evan finally gave up and said, “I need to get some help” because what he was doing wasn’t helping. He was walking through the Richardson Farmer’s Market and met Dr. Kara. She gave him a brochure and told him if he needed anything to call us and he did. Evan came in for his free consultation and immediately thought this was for him and that it was the best decision he made.

Can spinal misalignment cause migraines?

He was a little hesitant at first about chiropractic. Evan had heard horror stories about chiropractic just being back crackers or that they don’t help as much as you think they might.  After sitting down with Kaitlin and talking to her for a while, after having his first adjustments and being able to look at his x-rays and see the technology that actually showed him where he was off with his alignments and why the headaches and pain could be happening he said, “I’m in. I’m going to go ahead and get this fixed.”

Evan has been in care for 4 to 5 months and the results he has seen have been fantastic. He has not had a headache in at least three months and it all started with getting aligned at the base of his skull. He had no idea that just being aligned could make such a difference. The first couple of weeks he was here he was constantly having to be realigned. He finally was able to get an alignment and stay there. Evan did the exercises and worked hard to make sure that he kept his alignment straight. Since then, he hasn’t been out of alignment once.

Since being headache-free, Evan has felt better. He has more energy, he’s slept better, has better days at work, better days out, and just feeling healthier.

If you’re having trouble with headaches and are ready to be done with them, come in and give it a shot. It may not be for everyone, but it was for Evan. Chiropractic is a tried and true practice. The technology is there to show you where you’re off and you can see it, you can see results.

Instead of living with the pain, find the 30 minutes once a week to come into our office. We would love to help you!  If you want to watch the video, click here.