Dr. Taylor’s Research Paper

by | Sep 18, 2018

A Pre Post Study of Effective Head Weight after Correction of Cervicocranial Misalignment

Jennifer Taylor, D.C.




Forward head posture (FHP) is a postural abnormality in which the neck protrudes forward in front of the shoulders. “For every inch of Forward Head Posture, it can increase the weight of the head on the spine by an additional 10 pounds.” -Kapandji, Physiology of Joints, Vol. 3. [1]. This syndrome is commonly referred to as “Text-neck” and manifests as Upper Crossed Syndrome. It is a condition that is becoming an epidemic with the ever growing use of technology in the form of cell phones, laptops, tablets and personal computers. [2] Of particular importance is this syndrome in young children and adolescents as FHP is associated with “cervical degeneration along with other developmental, medical, psychological, and social complications”. [3] This can lead to significant increases in neck and back pain in the modern world significantly affecting the overall health of both children and adults.


To test how effective head weight, (defined as, the weight of the head, due to FHP), changes post cervicocranial junction misalignment correction using an Orthogonal upper cervical approach with postural analyzation using the PostureScreen Mobile application. This method of postural analysis has been shown to be a reliable tool to assess postural abnormalities. [4].


A paired group study was performed and included 50 participants who were presenting as new patients from one private chiropractic clinic. Participants were ranging in age from 7 – 76, with 76% being female and 24% being male. The outcome assessed pre and post effective head weight following a specific correction of a clinically established cerviocranial junction misalignment.


Among the 50 participants, pre- to post-effective head weight decreased by 5.6 lbs. (mean = 30.5 lbs vs. 24.9 lbs, difference = 5.6 lbs; 95% CI 2.0, p<0.05, P(T<=t) two-tail 4.78197E-05).


Specific correction of CCJ misalignment shows an initial positive, statistically significant impact on forward head posture. Further study, with a larger cohort across multiple clinics, would be helpful in understanding its impact in modern human health.


Dr. Christy’s notes

For our patients, this means that, on average, your head will feel 5.6 pounds lighter after you have your atlas/ C1 adjusted! Less neck strain and less muscle fatigue among other things! Yes!