Get to know Dr. Christy at HealthWorks Family Chiropractic

by | May 18, 2022

What’s your business, and who are your customers?

I help people regain their lives from pain and poor function! As a family chiropractor, I see patients from newborn to the golden age. I am extremely passionate about family health and wellness. Our mission statement starts with, “HealthWorks creates a community of health and wellness.” It is my firm belief that our families deserve a level of health that allows them to live a life full of potential and growth.

Tell us about yourself

My health journey started with the birth of my oldest son. It was a hot July day in 1997 when Taylor was born. He was exactly 8 pounds with white-blonde hair and the chubbiest little cheeks. Grandmas would stop us in the grocery store to coo over Taylor and tell us he looked like the Gerber baby.

Taylor was healthy by all standards, I knew, he had no major illnesses, and we spent the first year experiencing milestones and growing together. And then things changed. In 1998, Taylor began to experience ear infections, a snotty nose, and “allergies” that just never went away. Month after month, we visited the pediatrician, Taylor’s chubby little baby hands pulling at his ears and his eyes full of tears. Month after month, we were sent home with yet another prescription for antibiotics and no other options.

As a mother who wanted the very best for my baby, I was frustrated, and my gut told me there was a better way. We were not solving any problems. Meanwhile, long-term dangers of antibiotic use were starting to come to light in the media. With the then-new technology of Google, I was able to begin researching other options. We stopped milk products and started to use garlic oil ear drops; we ate organic and even started switching to non-toxic cleaners and detergents. It did make some difference, but the ear infections persisted. That’s when I found a research article about chiropractic care and ear infections. This article explained how subluxation – inflammation in the nerve system – can cause ill health, and it’s quite common to find this among children with chronic ear infections.

A short week later, Taylor and I made our first trip to the chiropractor.
She did find that Taylor had nerve inflammation at a critical area of the spine called Atlas/ C1. And, moments later, a miracle happened for our small family – Taylor had his first adjustment. Following that first adjustment, Taylor never had another ear infection, his “allergies” resolved, and I rarely saw another snotty nose.

In the years that followed, I came to know more about subluxation and health – it’s not just about ear infections or children; it affects all age groups and can cause dysfunction in any part of the body. The nerve system controls all of our body’s health and healing, and when the nerves are compromised, ill health follows.

Three years after Taylor’s first adjustment, I was enrolled at Parker College of Chiropractic here in Dallas, Texas.


To see the full interview, click here.


Thanks to Subkit for such a fun interview!

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