Reclaiming Your Life Through Chiropractic

by | Apr 29, 2021


You’re going to want to hear this story if you’ve ever suffered from back pain.

When Chris was in his mid 30’s he couldn’t stand for more than 20 minutes at a time, he couldn’t play with his kids and he works for a living in a job that requires him to stand. At age 38, he said that he wanted to get a wheelchair. If you’re shopping for a wheelchair in your mid 30’s please read this post.  Chris wrote a note about how we helped him. It’s short but you can really feel what Chris is saying and maybe you can relate to it as well.

It says: “your facility is wonderful and everyone is kind and patient. When I first came in, I wasn’t able to stand for more than 20 minutes without sitting down or kneeling. I could feel a lot of pressure in my back, but as soon as my first adjustment was done I felt like a normal person and was able to stand without pain. Now I’m able to focus much better because I’m not having to think about the pain traveling up my back. You guys are a lifesaver and thank you for everything you’ve done for me and my family.” That’s amazing, and the part that I love most about Chris’s story is that he was able to take his kids to Disney World and walk around with no issues. This was the man who was shopping for a wheelchair.

If you have low back pain there’s hope for you.

You don’t need to spend time and money just trying all of these different things and searching the internet for seven simple stretches for low back pain. We have an answer for you here. Chiropractic care, specifically upper cervical chiropractic care, like we have here at HealthWorks: a family wellness center can take care of this problem for you. Click here to watch the doctors talk about Chris’s story.