What Is The Best Stretch For The Scalene Muscle?

by | Dec 8, 2022

What is the best stretch for the scalene muscle?

This blog will show you how to stretch your scalene muscle.

Where is your scalene muscle located?

Your scalene comes right down the side of your neck and attaches just at the base of the neck. (See image below)

Scalene muscle gif

How do I stretch my scalene muscle?

To stretch the muscle, what you’ll want to do is grab with the hand on the side that you’re stretching onto a chair. Then you just lean away enough to get traction on your arm. From there, you’re going to drop your opposite ear to your opposite shoulder, you’ll want to hold that for about 30 to 90 seconds. Now, one common mistake that I see people do is they get this part right, but then they raise their shoulder up instead of bringing their ear down, so you want to make sure to avoid that.

Steps to remember

  1. Sit on chair
  2. Grab the bottom side of the chair with your hand (use your hand on the side that you’ll be stretching)
  3. Lean away enough to get traction on your arm
  4. Drop your opposite ear to your opposite shoulder (don’t raise your shoulder up)
  5. Hold that for about 30 to 90 seconds

To watch the full video, click here.

Some people will also feel a sharp pain that comes up the side of their neck and around the ear with this stretch. If you do, just back off slightly. That is normal and it will go away with time.