Workspace Wellness | Space That Works For Your Health

by | Mar 4, 2021

workplace wellness

Workplace Wellness – Space That Works For Your Health 

What does workspace wellness mean?

Did you know that 83% of people report having work-related stress on a daily basis as well as 94% of those people report experiencing stress while in their work environment? Today I’m going to give you a few tips to help you kind of decrease that stress while you’re in your work environment. I’m Dr. Kara Penson and I’m a chiropractor here at HealthWorks: A Family Wellness Center in Plano, Texas.

One of the first things you can do whenever you get to work is just take two minutes out of your day and just sit at your desk and practice a little short meditation. Just take two minutes to sit there. Really focus on your breathing, focus on your mindfulness, and think positive thoughts about the day. You just really want to get into the right headspace for your day. That way your stress level can stay maintained. Another thing you can do is bring in something that smells nice to you, whether you’re allowed to have candles or even something as simple as just an essential oil. Now, the peppermint essential oil is actually really great for work as it helps you to improve your focus as well as decrease your stress.

Make things fresh and cute!

Another cute thing you can do for your desk is to bring in a little plant. Bring in a little succulent, a little ivy, something you can take care of. Plants are great for improving the air quality around you and they’re just soothing to look at. They make your space nice and pretty. Speaking of your space, make sure to keep your desk organized. A cluttered desk is a cluttered mind and you can get distracted and focused on too many different things. Just take five minutes out of your day to just kind of pick up your desk and keep your surroundings neat.

Bring in a little sunshine.

Another thing that you can do is to take your breaks. It is okay to get up and walk around, go outside, get some vitamin D. Just take a quick walk around the building. It is okay to do. Speaking of getting some vitamin D, use natural light when you can. Open a window if at all possible. Let the sunshine come in. You get some vitamin D. However, if it’s not possible, there are natural light lamps that you can purchase and just sit in front of it for five to 10 minutes. That can help improve your mood as well as your productivity. Now, one of the easiest things for you to do is to bring healthy snacks. You can bring snacks such as blueberries or even dark chocolate. Those are proven to have those mood-boosting antioxidants to help put you in a better mood and get through your day.

So, let me know down below if these tips or tricks have worked for you and helped decrease your stress levels at work and then just go ahead and share this video with anyone you think it might help!

HealthWorks: A Family Wellness Center is a chiropractic and wellness center located in Plano, Texas. Our chiropractors, Dr. Christy Flick, Dr. Jennifer Taylor, and Dr. Kara Penson have been helping patients function better since starting a private practice in 2005. For information about this article or other chiropractic questions, please contact our office at 972-612-1800, visit our website at, or stop by our office at 2317 Coit Rd., Ste B, Plano, TX 75075